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Dividing Marital Property: What’s Fair And How Is It Decided?

Dividing Marital Property: What’s Fair and How Is It Decided?

Dividing marital property can be one of the most challenging aspects of divorce. For couples in Virginia Beach, understanding how property division works can ease the process and help ensure a fair outcome. This blog post explores the key aspects of property division, focusing on the Virginia legal system, to provide divorcing couples with valuable insights and practical tips.

Divorce is never easy, and dividing marital property can add another layer of complexity. For couples in Virginia Beach, knowing what to expect and how the process works can make a significant difference. In this guide, we’ll discuss what constitutes marital property, how Virginia’s property division system works, and the factors that influence the court’s decisions. By understanding these elements, couples can better prepare and ensure a fair division of assets.

Understanding Marital Property

Marital property includes all assets and debts acquired during the marriage. This can range from physical items like homes and cars to financial assets such as bank accounts, investments, and retirement funds. It’s essential to differentiate between marital and separate property, as only marital property is subject to division during a divorce.

In Virginia, marital property encompasses anything acquired from the date of marriage until the date of separation. Separate property, on the other hand, includes assets owned before the marriage, gifts, or inheritances received by one spouse. However, if separate property is commingled with marital assets, it may be considered marital property.

Equitable Distribution vs. Community Property

Property division laws vary by state, with two main systems being used in the United States: equitable distribution and community property. Virginia follows the equitable distribution model, which aims to divide marital property fairly but not necessarily equally.

Equitable distribution considers various factors to determine a fair division, whereas community property states split marital assets 50/50. Understanding this distinction is crucial for couples in Virginia Beach, as the court will weigh multiple elements to reach a just outcome rather than dividing everything down the middle.

Factors Affecting Property Division

In Virginia, several factors influence how marital property is divided. These factors ensure that the division is fair and considers each spouse’s circumstances. Some of the key factors include:

  • Duration of the marriage: The length of the marriage can impact how property is divided. Longer marriages may result in a more equal distribution.
  • Contributions to the marriage: This includes both financial contributions and non-monetary contributions, such as homemaking and raising children.
  • Economic circumstances: The court will consider each spouse’s financial situation, including income, earning capacity, and future needs.
  • Debts and liabilities: The division of marital property also encompasses debts incurred during the marriage.
  • Tax consequences: The potential tax implications of dividing certain assets are taken into account.
  • Behavior during marriage: Although Virginia is a no-fault divorce state, the court may consider factors like adultery or financial misconduct when dividing property.

Special Cases and Considerations

Certain scenarios can complicate property division, requiring special attention and legal expertise. These include:

  • Business Assets: If one or both spouses own a business, its value must be assessed and divided. This process can be complex and may involve forensic accountants.
  • Inheritances: While inheritances are typically considered separate property, if they are commingled with marital assets, they may be subject to division.
  • Prenuptial Agreements: These agreements can significantly impact property division by outlining how assets should be divided in the event of a divorce. Courts generally uphold prenuptial agreements unless they are deemed unfair or invalid.


Dividing marital property is a multifaceted process that requires careful consideration and understanding of Virginia’s equitable distribution laws. By knowing what constitutes marital property, the factors that influence division, and the special cases that may arise, divorcing couples in Virginia Beach can better navigate this challenging aspect of divorce.

If you’re going through a divorce and need assistance with property division, it’s crucial to seek professional legal advice. An experienced divorce lawyer can guide you through the process, ensuring your rights are protected and helping you achieve a fair outcome. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Hardt Law and get the support you need during this difficult time. Contact Hardt Law today by calling (757) 962-5588.

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